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Cross generational Dialogues: Grandad Paul, Mum Shelley, Esme and Clementine

Shelley Norton is the Director/Agent of the The Big Talent School and Agency, an independent Performing Arts School and full time Talent Agency based in Cardiff Bay.

Here is Shelleys Proposal

As a family we love telling each other stories. These may be things that happened in the week, or a long time ago. Or things we'd like to happen like have a picnic with a family of werewolves (one of my dads favourites). Stories we all know and have heard before or something brand new thats just happened. The point is to keep everyone entertained and hopefully make everyone laugh so much that Grandma cries tears of laughter (a very satisfying signal that the story has been a success) We are sitting down together and taking it in turns to draw a story for the others to digest and explore together. Everyone’s taken by the idea of things that have happened in school.

Our idea is to see if we can share these stories using pictures rather than words. Words come very easy to us as a family and even though we love drawing, in a doodling way, individually none of us are artists even though we are all quite creative.

These conversations will be between Grandad, Paul 74, Mum Shelley 40 (me), and daughters Esme, 10, and Clementine 6.

We've started off quite literally with pencil and paper and descriptive sketches but I hope as everyone loosens up and gets used to the process we could get a bit more multi media or surreal.

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